Friday, April 29, 2011

Music, Books, TV, & More!

OMG! I'm totally in loooove with listening to music and reading and watching tv! So I though it would be cool to do this funnn post where I just tell you guys what my favorite song/book is, my favorite shows, actors, and actresses, and blah blah blah! So feel free to leave your responses below!
Anything By Katy Perry or Bruno Mars. LOL, I just loveeeee their music! <3
S&M Rihanna- YEEAA, its DIRTY. but i lovee the song youu know? like its catchy. :)) hehe
The Lazy Song Bruno Mars- SUCH a cutee video!
On the Floor Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull- uhmm... this song makes me want to get up and DaNcE! LOVE IT!
For the First Time The Script- Holyyy Bejeeezus!!!! THIS SONG IS SOOOO DANGG GOOOOD!
What the Hell Avril Lavigne- ahhh love this song! it's so fun to dance to!
Tonight Enrique Iglesias ft. Ludacris- Enrique is HOT! which makes it all the better haha! and i know this song is old, but i still love it!
*people doing covers that i LOVE!!!!!!*
NICK PITERA! He's SOOOOOOOO talented! you will be blown away by his covers!!! My favorites: Impossible Cover- Shontelle Teenage Dream Cover- Katy Perry A Whole New World- From Disney's Aladdin He has even been on Ellen! A whole new world really displays his talent! To watch them, just click on the song. Hehe his youtube: goonieman86
MADDI JANE! omg this girl is super young and sings AMAZINGLYYY! dayumm! My favorite song she sang: Price Tag Cover- Jessie J. just click it to watch the video! her youtube: maddijanemusic
CHECK them outt! :)
I've been reading the Jericho Trilogy by Sharon M Draper. Its reaaally good! :) I also read the Hazelwood High Trilogy by her. SO good/sad!
Uncle Tom's Cabin- Harriet Beecher Stowe-- remember this one from U.S. History!? LOL, well i thought i should read it. it was a big factor of the civil war, about the live of a slave living on a plantation. SO YEAH. FOOL. hahha.
Ya'll know i love degrassi, and gigantic, and law and order svu, and outsourced. but i am ADDICTED to MAKE IT OR BREAK IT!!! holy poopchunk. LOVE that show! so muchh! It seriously just makes me want to like jump around and do a tumbling routine! But... i can't even do a cartwheel without falling on my butttttttttt :( HAHA :)
ahhhhhmmm, ANYTHING WITH sexyyyy Ryan Reynolds!!! YUMMMYY. and i also like Katherine Heigl. And I'm super happy because i recorded Titanic on my DVR, so when I get better danielle's gonna come over and we are going to watch it! :)
MY FAVORITE YOUTUBERS!! (I've linked everythingg, so you can just click the person's name and you'll go to their youtube page!!)
Shane Dawson!! :D
Nigahiga, offffff coursee!
Smosh!!! Ahh, i like, recently started watching them.. but its hILARIOUUS! :)
Michelle Phan! She has the BEST tips and tricks and I always love her makeup looks!
allthatglitters21/elle fowler! love her videos!
Well, i guess thats alllll! Pretty bored at home, haha, being sick. WHATEVER. I HOPE I GET BETTER SOON. lol.
Question of the Blogpost: What are your fav books/songs/shows/movies etc.????
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Boo :( Pity Party Please?

HOLY askdf!!! 
I've been BREAKING OUT in like crazzyyy rashess! And like i don't even know! I don't really want to film myself... like.. ya know? Ewww! I can't even stand to look in the mirror! The Dermatologists office people are being suchhhhhh douche-punchers!!! (Smosh? anyone? (from lunch with smosh on IanH!)) God!! They like won't even make and emergency appointment for me! So... the "emergency" appointment is 6 days away. D: And not to sound like a snob or anything.. but this IS an emergency! My mouth and neck are red and swollen and peeling and all dry! Ughh,, makes me sooo sad!
So here's how it all started: I was hanging out at Danielle's house and i guess thats when it started because when i woke up in the morning my face was super dry and stuff. but i was like "let's lotion this babaay upp" cause i mean.. i'm used to having very dry skin! dude but NO joke! It wasn't that bad until monday a little cold sore appeared on my lip-crack haha. and then on monday night it was like... perrtyyy bad. and i woke up in the morning.. my skin felt "5 sizes too small for my face" andddd i had 2 PIMPLES!! (i havent had acne problems since i started using proactiv. I stopped using it once my face cleared out thooo..) Goddd it was horriblee! SO, then hat night i went to CVS and picked up the olay prox cleanser head thingy.... its like a clairsonic. i scrubbed my face because i thought it might be because when i got running gunky-ness was in my pores! so yepp. then i woke up on wednesday morning and i was like.. GOD. blehhh my face was red and blotchy and swollen and peel-ey and NASTTY! (it was just progressively worsening from when i spent the night at danielle's, not from the olay cleanser) blechhhh. i did NOT want to go to school!! but of course, THAT day i HAD to go to school for a big test. UGHH. but after i got done with my test i called my momma and i was like "Lawdd! Come get me!" so she came... and was like uhh ohh. so then she scheduled a doctors appointment because my dumbbutt insurance makes us go to our regular physician and get a referral to like a specialist. SO, basically, i wasn't able to go straight to an allergist/dermatologist. so she called and they weren't able to schedule an appointment with the specialist until like *5* days later! the doctor tried to make suggestions on what to do, but she told us to wait till the appointment. ughh i was pissed! and I didn't want to go to school! SO, i probably wont be going to school until my face clears up. I went to an allergist about two years ago because this had happened and they found out i have allergies to a product that is in MOST things beauty related (makeup, showergel, lotion, soap, fragrance, etc.) called lanolin. occasionally i still use products that have it. but for the most part i try to avoid it. and then budesonide––in many inhalers, luckily i don't have asthma. and alsoo, thimerosal–– which is in most eye products (like eyedrops) i was sad :( and then for foooood: lobster and mildly peanuts. UGHH! and then i took a trip to the dermatologists office when they like... gave me medicine for like any other breakouts, because i have eczema too. BUT, since then (2 years ago) it has only been like mild breakouts, but suddenly BALHSDLKFJASDWE! THIS happened. pooooo.
Well, I'll update you guys about this when i get my results from the derm/allergist. Thanks for reading!!
Question of the Blogpost: What is the WORST skin experience you've had?! Maybe it'll make me feel better about myself.. lol
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fallin' Into the FUNK!

As for the title... yeahh i'm not really sure what im talking about haha :)
I feel so bleehhh! haha :) I really want some french fries right noww! Honestlyyy, i really think McD's fries are deeeelicious! Like honestlyy! Come onnn don't deny it, you love them too :) I have to get some videos up though... i haven't posted a video for almost a monthh! i guess my next video will be my favorites cause i don't even know whatvideo i should do!
requests? btdubbs i also do vlogs! so if you want like a tag or somethin then just let me know! because i AM a rambler. :) I'm just laying in bed right now. and OMJizzle!!! a bookstore i live near is closing down so all their books are on salee! so i got
Copper sun and November Blues (the second book of hte jericho trilogy) by sharon m draper
and also a gossip girl book! Likeee, do you guys read gossip girl? i haven't really started reading it yet. I'm also reading a book bye sarah dessen: the truth about forever. It's good. i found that i REALLY like her books :) they can also be sad thoughhh :(
I've been watching make it or break it.. ahhhh SO GOOD! And Gigantic! and degrassiiii! But idk degrassi is turning into "ehhh" but gigantic is really goooood! and ryan rottman and tony oller are SpIcY! it just makes me goo "dayummmm!" haha just keedin' ;)

Well thats all for nowww!

Question of the Blogpost: Where is the best place to get french fries?!

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