Sunday, August 7, 2011

Long Lines and Silenced Fear!

Guys!!!!! It's been almost TWO MONTHS since I've talked to you! LORDY. hahaha. anyway, the other day I went to a local waterpark with friends. It was supppper fun... except for that im freaking scared of heights and rollercoasters.... anywhooo, my friends made me go on a ride.. i seriously almost peed in the raft right before we got pushed down the thingy. horrible right!! BUT IT WAS SOOO FUNN!!! I screamed the whole time except for this one drop when my stomach almost popped out of my mouth... ew i know. but that was the one part where i just like shut my mouth... weird right! and then we went on this kiddie slide which was actually very fun! You slide down this regular slide and into the 1 foot deep water... and you actually go pretty fast! It was very super dooper fun! :) That's it for today guys. I might at some pics from my dayyy later!

HUGE LOVE AND LOTS OF HUGS! -Uma Subscribe My YouTube Channel Where I Post Beauty Videos!!: Follow Me On Twtter For Some Sweeet Tweets!: Follow My Boutique To Get To Know My Sense of Stylee!:

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