Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lazy Sunday and Remembering 9/11

Hey guys! This has been a very exciting weekend! I can't exactly say why, because then you guys would know where i lived etc, etc. Haha. Anywho, On Friday we had an easy cross country practice, and after we had a fun team dinner at a park near the school. We hung played a ton of games and later I walked down with Danielle and two other friends back to school to watch the football game. let me tell you, it was crowded. It was really fun though! Then, on Saturday, i didn't do much at all. I basically lazed around the house. I didn't do ANYTHING actually. Actually, now that I think about it, I downloaded a ton of music. You guys, please check out Skylar Grey's "Invisible". It's a great song and I think a lot of you guys will be able to relate to it! It has a lot of meaning. It has true meaning.  In the night, I stayed up on the phone with Danielle until past midnight. I woke up late today and realized it was 9/11. More on that later, but I ate breakfast and now I'm getting ready to start my homework. I have to do my math, and I have a deadline for an article due tomorrow. I wanted to go to the mall, but I doubt that will happen.
Also, i wanted to say: Thanks to all the heroes of 9/11: firefighters, police officers, first response, paramedics. We remember!
I hope all of you have a peaceful day!
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