Thursday, December 29, 2011

DIY Winter Time Mask for ANY skin type!

Hey guys!
This mask is great for any skin type! Mine varies throughout the year according to the season, and like many people, my skin gets SUPER dry and flaky in the winter. My lips take a beating too! Anyway, this mask is for your face. It’s super simple and all these ingredients are at your fingertips! No need for any special potions.
The video:
DIY winter mask!

1.Cut up half a banana and mash it up
2. Add 1 teaspoon of milk, ¾ teaspoon honey, ¾ teaspoon olive oil
** Add more or less olive oil depending on how oily or dry your skin gets. if my skin is feeling extra dry, then I ass more olive oil, if your skin gets oily, you can cut down to ½ or even ¼ teaspoon of olive oil
3. Mix everything together
4. Apply this mask to your face (**Do this over a SINK) and let it sit for 20 minutes. (yes, it feels EXTREMELY nasty, but it works WONDERS.)
5. Wash it off and moisturize well!!! That’s it! I would do this no more than 3 times a week at the most, or maybe 3 times every 4 weeks for someone with oily skin. It all depends on your skin type.

Hope you guys liked this mask! I know what it feels like to have dry skin!  (not fun.)


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