Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 Things You May Not Know About Me!

A Fun Blogpost, I thought. Do one and link it to me so I can read it!

#1) I love WWE! (World Wrestling Entertainment!)
HEY, don't tell me it's fake! I won't believe it! A lot of people thing this is a boy-show to watch, like how Gossip Girl is a show gals watch. That is NOT true! I watch it, and I know a couple of women who do too! It is SO addicting! My favorite wrestlers:
-Evan [air]BOURNE!
-John Morrison!!!!
-Rey Mysterioooo!
-Randy Orton
-Kofi Kingston!! YEH YEH!
I pretty much like any wrestler who seems nice, but John Cena is my fav! HAHA!

#2) I have the ability to LAUGH at anything!!!!
What, it's true! I laugh at the dumbest things and of course, at the wrong times -.- But I think it's a great quality as well because you can make anyone feel ood about themselves, because they think they're funny. HAHA! Sometimes I laugh if someone falls, and I feel SO bad!!!!! But it just slips out! Has that ever happened to you?! 

#3) I'm pretty Crazy/Optimistic/OBNOXIOUS.
Part of this has to do with my CRAZY laugh!!!! In fact, My sister SERIOUSLY thinks I'm clinically insane! Hehe.. whoops!    Around my best friends is when I get really crazy! On my old youtube channel which I "co-owned" with my friend, we DANCED at THREE IN THE MORNING on the second/vlog channel!!! I have no problem expressing my personality!! :D

#4) I LOVE Romantic Comedies!
Haha.... yes(((:
-Life As We Know It
-Just Friends
-The Proposal
-The Back Up Plan
-Labor Pains
-Definitely, Maybe
-27 Dresses
-The Devil Wears Prada
-The Ugly Truth
Yeah pretty much anything with SEXY(: Ryan Reynolds, and Katherine Heigl is cool too. Have suggestions? Comment below PLEASE!(:

#5) I'm a SERIOUS Chocoholic! 
No exaggeration intended! It's true! the word "Chocaholic" (yes... spelled wrong D:) was in my very first email! I don't like dark chocolate though. I like M&Ms and Hershey's Bars. Have you tried the Hershey's Cookies&Creme Bar? Yummyy!
Chocolate is okay once in a while, but if I want to stay healthy then I need to lay off the chocolate!

Hope you guys enjoyed that fun little Segment! And hopefully you know me a little better! Agree with anything up there?

Question of the Blogpost: What are 5 things people may not know about you?

I can't wait to read the comments/responses!


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My YouTube Channel: (Subscribe to listen to me blab instead of having to read the blog! It's free!)

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