Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fun&Easy Recipes Anyone Can Do!

Yay for cooking!

I'm really getting a hang of this blogging things btw! I'm learning how to edit and change formats, and it's prettttyyy cool! ( : Also, I found out that you can set a post to publish on a different day! For example I can write a post on Tuesday and it will be posted on Thursday and I don't even have to turn my computer on! It's pretty fun to blog about life, and even if you don't have ANY followers, (like me!) it's still so fun to post! It's like your own online diary! Anyways, I've been having a lot of fun with this and I encourage anyone to make one of their own! 

ANYWHOO, back to the point of this blogpost! On the blogpost I posted on 1.2.11, I had said one of the career possibilities I was looking towards was being a culinary chef! Well, I love cooking, and food (:D), but I'm not a great chef! Well, I do have some speciality dishes (that I am about to show you), but otherwise, i can't cook unless I have directions. And I follow the directions, until I get really comfortable with the recipe and add my own special touches!

So here we go!

#1) Berry&Banana Smoothie Serves 1 or 2
What you'll need:
-3-5 ice cubes
-1 ripe or overripe banana
-1/2 Cup of Frozen or Fresh Berry Mix (Strawberries/Blueberries/Blackberries/Raspberries)
-1/2 Cup of Milk
-2 Tablespoons of Honey (Varies depending on taste!)
1- Get your blender ready! Clear out a space for your preparation. Wash your hands, and tie up long hair!
2- Put all your ingredients in the blender, with the exception of the honey. P.S., you can measure your ingredients by filling your cup with 1/3 of the berry mix and the second third with milk (you have to do these two separate times though! Anyways, blend on high until its mostly mixed with a few lumps. Add the honey and then finish blending!
-Pour into your glass, add a cute swirly straw, and enjoy!!
I LOVE this recipe! It's a quick fix for sugar and it's VERY healthy! You can make this when your friends come over, and make it look SO fancy! The only not-so-good thing about this is that the smoothie melts quickly. (Because of the milk?) Yummyy. If you like tangy smoothies instead of sweeter ones, sub the milk with Orange Juice and the berries with peaches/raspberries/grapefruit. I'm not and OJ fan, and i like my sweeter smoothies, so the one with berries is what i normally do.

#2) Easy Bake Pistachio Cake
What you'll need:
-Betty Crocker cake mix (Yellow OR white)
-2 eggs
-Follow directions for amount of oil and water from the box
-A box of Jello Pistachio Pudding Mix
-Pam/butter/oil for your baking pan
-Optional: Nuts of your choice. (I like walnuts and pistachios.) You can also add chocolate chip morsels. Use semisweet.

1- In your mixing bowl, beat the eggs with the water and oil for a few seconds, until the yolk is broken
2- Add the cake mix. Beat the cake mix with the eggs, water, and oil until you get a smooth batter. (Try not to eat any!! :D)
3-Finally, add the pudding mix and beat it in until it is fully mixed.
4-If you don't want to add nuts or morsels, you can spray/coat your pan, pour in the the batter, and bake for time directed on the back of the box. *Tip: If you are using a spray on oil (ex: Pam) then spray your pan right before you add the batter, and go around the pan twice. (make sure you get into every crevice!) If you do this before, then the excess oil will drip to the bottom and there'll be pools of oil. (EW!) If you are rubbing butter all over, butter your pan before you start crackin' your eggs. 
Optional 5- If you want to add nuts or chocolate chips, first prepare them the way you want. (Crush your nuts into little bits?) *Tip Then, take a tbsp of REAL flour and put it in a ziploc. Add any toppings and shake for a few minutes. Then, dump into your batter. Take a wooden or rubber spatula and GENTLY mix in so you won't break the chocolate chips. The flour technique is used so that the nuts/chocolate chips wont sink.
6-Bake for the same amount of time
7-After the cake is finished baking, poke it with a toothpick to make sure it's done all the way through. Let it cool for 15-30 minutes, and enjoy!
My mom's original recipe!! Yummy! Haha! These are great for parties because they are so easy to make and they taste SO good! Top it off with icing to really finish it off! :D

#3) Spaghetti and Turkey Meatsauce Serves about 3
What you'll need:
-One small box of Barilla spaghetti, wheat or flour. (The brand doesn't matter, this is just the one that I use!
-Tsp of oil
-Pinch of Salt
-1/2 of a small red onion
-Microwaveable turkey meatballs (Around 7)
-Small bottle of Prego tomato&basil sauce (Again, the brand doesn't matter. You can use regular sauce too, but I like the basil in mine.)
1- Fill up a pot with water and boil with a pinch of salt and a tsp of oil.
2-Once the water is boiling, add the pasta and cook according to directions
-3 While the pasta is cooking, warm up several meatballs according to the directions on the package. 
-4 While those are warming up, finely chop up half of a red onion, add a couple tsps of oil into a pot, and add the onions. Cook for 2 minutes.
-5 Pour about half of the sauce in your jar into the pot with the onions. Stir occasionally :D
-6 When the meatballs are done warming up, add them to the warmed up sauce&onions and take a wooden spatula and grind the meatballs. Don't make them into bits that are too small though!
-6 Cook for around four minutes, or until you drain out your pasta.
-7 You can keep the sauce and pasta separate or mix them together. Add pepper and garnishes if you want, and you're set to go!
One of my favorite dishes EVER! I would eat this everyday for bfast/lunch/and dinner!!! SO deliiiicious! There are never leftovers for this one either! Ahh! So yummy I want some spaghetti right now!!!!!

Good Luck!!!

Question of the Blogpost: What is your favorite dish to eat? Do you know how to make it? Do you like to cook?
Can't wait to read the responses!

Check this out!: 
CLICK ME TO GO TO a HILARIOUS blog about many different things! Check him out!! (http://www.singlesteve.com/)
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P.S. New vids coming up! Winter time Skincare vid is up, and so are hauls!
PLUS, outfit of the day blogs/vids coming!

Yours truly, Uma

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