Monday, January 3, 2011

Shopping, Managing Money, & Hauls!

Most girls love shopping! No, I'm NOT discriminating... I know a lot of guys who like to shop too! Shopping is fun, and fashion is a way to express your personal style and personality. Some people really care about the way they look/dress, while others will throw on anything clean! However, the way you dress doesn't define who you are or the way you act. Clothing and accessories are material items used to express personal taste,  just like makeup or the shoes you wear!

I am one of those people who like shopping, and can spend hours in the mall and just buy a few things! I like to try and spend my money wisely.  The way I like to manage my money is taking two separate jars and labeling them SPEND and SAVE. There are different ways to make money, for example doing chores or babysitting your neighbor. As soon as you get you money/paycheck, put 50% of the money into the Save jar, and 50% in the spend jar. I got this idea from Seventeen magazine. You can use the money from the spend jar when you go to the movies or the mall with your friends, and you can used the money from the save jar to buy your family birthday presents or holiday gifts.

I don't know about you, but I love watching Hauls! Hauls are videos/posts when people share or show what they bought after a shopping trip. Hauls can range from showing Clothes, to makeup, to kitchen appliances! If you ever make a haul video, please youtube message me your video so I can watch it!
Some people don't like hauls because they think people are bragging about how much money they spent.  I don't believe anyone would make a haul video to brag! I mean, why would you??? The reason I make haul videos is because I'm excited at what I bought and I want to share awesome deals and cute outfit ideas with you guys! Lately, I've been hitting the mall a lot with my friends, and I filmed a few hauls!

Forever 21&Aeropostale Haul!

Forever 21 is a GREAT store with CUTE clothes! I bought only a few things from there.... yet I guess I rambled a lot in this video because it's about 8 minutes long. Teehee.... :D

Bath & Body Works Haul!

Honestly, who DOESN'T like B&BW? I LOVE that store! My friend literally had to DRAG me out of that store! We went in on the day of the Semi-Annual Sale and there were CRAZY deals! Gift baskets, normally ranging from $60-$110 were $25!! Lip gloss, which is about $7 was $2!!! My friend bought awesome stuff, and I felt like my money was well spent! The video got cut off, for some annoying reason, but all is well because everything I bought is listed in the description bar of the video. (But you have to go to YouTube to view it.

Anywhooo, don't you guys love sales? Sure, the store can get a little crazy, but it's probably worth it since you are saving money! It's a good habit to decide what stores you want to go to before going to the mall, so you can search online to print out coupons!

Question of the Blogpost: Do you like to shop? If so, what are your favorite stores?

I had fun with this blogpost! I really like this new blogging thing, and I hope anyone who reads this enjoyed it.


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My YouTube Channel: (Subscribe to listen to me blab instead of having to read!)

P.S. Thanks for all your support! At anytime, if you need help or want a shoutout, or have a blogpost or video you want me to watch, please let me know! It's the least I can do to repay you for supporting me! XOXO- Uma

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